A forensic accountant turned software engineer with a passion for creative problem-solving to deliver innovative solutions.
Hey! I'm a forensic accountant turned software engineer with a BS in Business Administration with a Finance concentration from the University of California, Riverside. Growing up, I loved to play video games that had puzzle elements in it. They'd leave me thinking "how can i solve that section better?"
During my time at App Academy, I honed my technical skills building apps using technologies like React, Redux, JavaScript (ES5 & ES6) , Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Mongoose, MongoDB, Express, Node.js, PostgreSQL, HTML5, CSS3, and even leveraged APIs such as Google Maps, AWS, Spoonacular, and more.
The project I'm incredibly proud of is our all-in-one fitness and nutrition tracking app, Reps 'N' Recipes. As a team, we wanted to solve the problem that so many apps only focus on fitness or nutrition, but not both. We utilized the Spoonacular API to give users the ability to look up foods they've eaten that day, and built the app on the MERN stack.
From my past accounting and finance background as a forensic accountant, I have a lot of experience working in a cross-functional, collaborative environment communicating with clients and opposing legal parties in negotiations and mediating financial valuations. I work well under pressure, and I'm used to adapting to situations as new information and documentation arises. With my unique analytical financial history, I'm confident that I can hit the ground running and contribute quickly, or even take initiative to get the ball rolling.
Favorite Tools:
An all-in-one fitness and nutrition tracking app with an interface that's easy to pick up. Built by a team of 3 engineers on the MERN stack. It leverages the Spoonacular API for users to quickly look up meals, ingredients, Chart.js to visually see user project, and a fun workout logger in the name of continuous improvement.
A full-stack Airbnb clone built with React/Redux frontend and a Rails backend. It features the power of JBuilder for eager loading, reducing the number of database queries. Additionally, users will find full CRUD features, user auth, and Google Maps API, with a PostgreSQL database. This application was built with a quick turnaround of only 10 days!
A fun, frontend data visualizer showing the shot selection and shooting efficiency of the players selected to the 2023 All-NBA team. Using only vanilla JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and utilizing the D3 libary, users can switch between their favorite All-NBA players and compare them to the league average or other players!
As a full-stack software engineer, I have experience in end-to-end software development. Here's a few highlights of my toolkit and experience:
Hey! There is no better way to get to know each other than a chat. You set the agenda or we can start with these talking points: